Maybelle Flower Farm is a dream to cultivate something beautiful, and to share it with others.
Maybelle Flower Farm is a 1 acre cut flower field plus multiple gardens of specialty and heirloom blooms available for special orders, events, wholesale to local florists, restaurants, subscriptions and retail within small businesses. Maybelle blooms are also available for purchase by bouquet at our seasonal farm stand.
Why Maybelle, why flowers?…
May expresses possibility, and belle is beauty.
My Great Grandmother's name was Maybelle, and some of my earliest memories in life are times spent, sights seen, and smells smelled in her Chicago flower shop.
I didn't always acknowledge my innate passion for flowers— neither growing nor arranging. There was a time in my life when I claimed I didn't even enjoy flowers because all they do is die. At that time, I just didn't understand or appreciate their representation of life. It wasn't until I lost a best friend in April 2016, that my latent desire of growing and admiring flowers emerged when planting some forget-me-nots around a baby tree in honor of her memory. During one of the saddest moments of my life, planting those pretty little flowers into the ground represented the love I had for my beautiful friend, the appreciation I have for knowing and experiencing life with her, joy in the memories that will last forever, and the encouragement that there will be a tomorrow. Flowers can speak all those things.
Since then, I've been drawn to flowers more than ever. I love to look at them, arrange them, smell them, dry them, give them, receive them, and now, grow them.
The best part of this farming endeavor is looking up and seeing my family working together on the land, that we are working so hard for. This adventure has been life changing and life giving. We are grateful for the grace of God and all His blessings along the way.
We believe Heaven on Earth is a choice, not a place, and we trust in Jesus and His continued direction, to cultivate a little bit of Heaven while we are here on Earth, and we are excited to share it with you!
With growing love,