Your purchase can make a difference
Now until December 31st you can make a purchase from
where the proceeds of shirts, hoodies and totes now until the end of this year will be donated to Great Lakes Church 2019 Christmas offering!
Our plan is to help raise funds for the organization GLC is partnering with: Sleep in Heavenly Peace - WI, Racine/Kenosha
It all started when…
Today is the first day of winter and looking back on the seasons of 2019, I am so full of gratitude this year, more than ever. In January I never really had a plan to begin the year with the end in mind, and I definitely was not aware of God’s greater plan all along- which has become more and more evident to me these last few months as I continue to ask for his help, and he continues to provide knowledge and perspective through attending Great Lakes Church— because of this place, I have found hope, comfort, encouragement and a clearer and clearer path on what it means to follow Jesus. Even if it is somewhat blindly, and because of not knowing what else is next.
This year when summer switched to fall it felt like one of the most challenging points of my life. I felt lost and had no clarity on what I was to do next when it came to business and parenting, because there was so much happening with both that my future quickly became undetermined and it was clear that some of my goals would not be accomplished. God laid on my heart, and on my mind, to lead a church growth group. At. The. Worst. Time. Possible.
I was 6 months pregnant, feeling defeated, uncertain of my next steps and had no idea on how, or credentials to, lead anyone in growing in their faith.
So I gave in anyway, and replied “yes” to the email asking if I would consider leading a growth group, only remembering some other bible verse that spoke to doing what God calls you to do, and he will give you the resources to do it—thank God for that, because he gave me a small group of women that were kind, inspiring, encouraging, fun, hilarious and willing to work through the book “Far Above Rubies”, which would be a growth group focused on what it meant to be, and perspective on how to become, more like a Proverbs 31 woman.
I’ve been fascinated with the concept of the Proverbs 31 woman for quite some time now, and I only ever felt I could relate to ‘her’ because of the verse Proverbs 31:16 where she considered a field and bought it, and out of her earnings planted a vineyard. I did that too! Sort of. Three years ago I had fallen in love with a plot of land and convinced my husband and the land’s owner that we could start a flower farm to afford to own it, which has evolved into a brand of its own and also a business of growing micro greens that we started in the off season.
Proverbs 31:17, was my inspiration...
She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks...
As I organized the details of this group’s focus and where we would meet weekly, I diligently created themed bookmarks and prepared main topic recap outlines for the first few chapters (excessive, overachiever, I know), but I started to feel somewhat prepared, and also somewhat distracted from other business things and obligations as I simultaneously worked through the process of exiting my ownership of my first business LLC and all the details and legalities that go along with doing so.
I thought it would be so cool, and fulfilling, to set a goal for our group to take the verses of the Proverbs 31 woman’s accomplishments literally, and use past entrepreneurial knowledge and merchandise experience to actually create a product to sell (Proverbs 31:24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.), but do so as a growth group raising money for a charitable cause (Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.)
This all came together perfectly when Great Lakes Church announced their plans for who they would be partnering with for their 2019 Christmas offering, because it gave this idea a purpose and direction for a desired outcome of being a GLC church growth group that also helps give financially to the mission of how our Church makes an impact here, near and far.
Fast forward through ten weeks of growth group get togethers, weekly coffee meet ups, conversations of ideas, ordering of shirt samples, organizing of details, creating a website, deciding of e-commerce solutions, collaborating with Great Lakes Church, graphic designer and screen printer, this idea came alive and turned out more purposeful than I had ever expected!
There are many reasons she is strong for her tasks... being a mom, a survivor, or even just because of her faith.
Now until December 31st you can make a purchase from
where the proceeds of shirts, hoodies and totes now until the end of this year will be donated to Great Lakes Church 2019 Christmas offering!
Our plan is to help raise funds for the organization GLC is partnering with: Sleep in Heavenly Peace - WI, Racine/Kenosha
Younger me used to laugh when people were so on fire for their faith and put all their trust in God, but now after experiencing so much life, loss and love, I don’t know how people can live without God’s direction, and I am forever thankful that he has made Great Lakes Church a part of his plan for me, and I am proud to take part in the mission of being people helping people find and follow Jesus.